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December 2, 2021

Armory Craft CZ 75 SP-01 Reach Reduction Kit with Dual Adjustable Trigger SILVER

Colour: Silver Armory Craft Reach Reduction Kit includes the trigger and Cajun Gun Works T4 Disconnector Fits: CZ75/85/97/SP-01 & All Compacts If you require a kit for a CZ SP-01 SHADOW/85C/Shadow Line/Shadow 2, please purchase the SHADOW 2 Kit, THIS […]
October 26, 2021

DED Black Scorpion Magnet Cover

DED Black Scorpion Magnet Cover 3D Printed Magnet Cover for Black Scorpion Magnetic Magazine Pouches Cover your magnets when your gear is not in use! This cover does not completely eliminate the magnetic pull, but it greatly reduces it to where […]
October 26, 2021

DED Chamber Safety Plug Semi/PCC/9mm

Chamber flag for use with Semi-Auto Rifle/PCC/9mm (PCC must be 9mm Magazines). A chamber safety plug is a safety device constructed of polymer and provides immediate visual recognition of an empty chamber to others when not in use. Handguns with […]
October 26, 2021

DED Chamber Safety Plug 9mm/PCC/.22

Chamber flag for use with 9mm Pistols, 9mm PCC or .22LR Pistols. A chamber safety plug is a safety device constructed of polymer and provides immediate visual recognition of an empty chamber to others when not in use. Handguns with […]
October 22, 2021

Double Alpha Academy 2 in 1 Seating and Crimping Die 9mm/38

This quality stainless steel die, enable you to Seat and Crimp in one station, without compromising the quality of your ammo. It may take a little longer to get the adjustments just right, but once calibrated correctly, this die will […]
October 20, 2021

DED Chamber Safety Plug Pistol 9mm/PCC

Chamber flag for use with 9mm pistols or PCC. A chamber safety plug is a safety device constructed of polymer and provides immediate visual recognition of an empty chamber to others when not in use. Handguns with a plug installed […]